LOD Trained Agent Outperforms a Non-LOD Trained Agent by 352%

LOD Trained vs. Not LOD Trained ​​​​

Close Ratio 4.66% vs. 1.03%

LOD Trained vs. Not LOD Trained


6.02% vs. .89%

Close Ratio


See The Results


LOD Trained Agent vs. Not LOD Trained Agent here we compare an LOD trained agent with less than 1 year of sales or real estate experience versus a non LOD trained agent, with 10+ years experience in real estate as a top producing agent.

Both agents we’re working the same geographical location and we’re not aware of this case study. For the purpose of confidentiality, we have omitted these agents names.

LOD’s systematic approach works! Regardless of experience, each agent must complete the 2 mandatory tests i.e. Outbound Script and Lead Protocol. If an agent is experiencing difficulties converting leads, we ensure that basic fundamentals are covered when prospecting. 

Training By:


Closing internet leads with no LOD training



Product: LOD University

  • Completed all 2 mandatory courses + 12 comprehensive courses

Purpose: Improve closing techniques


  • Agents are prepared before they make that first contact
  • Agents learn how to convert leads at 5% from A to Z
  • Must pass the Script & Lead Protocol courses to work live leads


  • LOD trained agent experienced a close ratio of 4.66%

  • Not LOD trained agent experienced a close ratio of 1.03%

  • Average LOD trained agent experiences a close ratio of 2.08%

“After 13 years in the real estate business with Remax and other top brokerages, I have never ever seen agents being groomed this way.”
Naveed Ahmed

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